If you’re looking for axolotl name ideas, you’re in the right place! We’ve put together the ULTIMATE list of good, cute, funny, and cool names for pet axolotls.
We hope this list will give you tons of ideas, help you shortlist a couple of names, and then decide which name is the best fit for your axolotl.
Table of Contents
- List of Axolotl Names
- Cute Axolotl Names
- Good Axolotl Names
- Funny Axolotl Names
- Cool Axolotl Names
- Best Axolotl Names
- Color & Morph-Based Names
- Country Based Names
List of Axolotl Names
Gender-Based Names
An easy way to choose an axolotl name is to choose a name based on their gender. This is probably the most traditional method for choosing a name – but it has stood the test of time and there certainly is some merit to it!
If you don’t yet know what the axolotl’s gender is – or you simply prefer to give your pet a gender-neutral name – we’ve also included a list of those too. We hope you like it!
Male Axolotl Names
Below you’ll find a list of popular names for boy axolotls.
Abel | Dave | Lenny | Remy |
Abraham | Dexter | Leo | Rex |
Adam | Diego | Levi | Ricky |
Aj | Drago | Lincoln | Rico |
Albi | Duke | Little-guy | Ringo |
Albie | Duncan | Logan | Ripley |
Aldo | Dylan | Lou | Robin |
Alex | Eddie | Louie | Rocco |
Alexus | Eddy | Louis | Rocko |
Alf | Edgar | Lucas | Rocky |
Alfie | Edwin | Lucifer | Roland |
Amigo | El Bandito | Ludevic | Roman |
Amos | Elliot | Ludo | Romeo |
Andy | Elmo | Ludwig | Ron |
Angus | Elvis | Luigi | Rory |
Aragorn | Elwood | Macho | Rover |
Archie | Eminem | Maksim | Ruben |
Argus | Enzo | Malakai | Ruchus |
Ariel | Fatboy | Malcolm | Rudy |
Armanti | Felix | Malvolio | Rufus |
Arnie | Fenton | Mario | Salvador |
Artemis | Finn | Marvin | Sam |
Arthur | Finnegan | Maverick | Sampson |
Ash | Fonz | Max | Samson |
Ashley | Fonzie | Maximus | Sawyer |
Atticus | Francais | Melvin | Schultz |
Austin | Frank | Michael | Sebastian |
Axel | Frankie | Mickey | Sebastien |
Axor | Franky | Midas | Sherman |
Bacchus | Fred | Mikey | Silvester |
Bailey | Freddie | Miko | Simba |
Barclay | Freddy | Miles | Simon |
Barkley | Garfield | Miller | Sinbad |
Barnaby | Gary | Milo | Slim Shady |
Barney | Gasby | Milos | Slimothy |
Baron | Gavin | Mister | Snoopy |
Bart | George | Mitch | Solomon |
Bastante | Georgie | Mo | Sonny |
Baxter | Gianni | Montgomery | Spencer |
Beasle | Gibson | Monty | Spongebob |
Beau | Gilbert | Moses | Stanley |
Beaux | Giovanni | Mr Kitty | Steve |
Ben | Gordon | Mr. Evil | Stevy |
Benji | Gringo | Mr. Nibbles | Stuart |
Benny | Gromit | Murph | Tanner |
Benson | Groucho | Murphy | Teddy |
Biablo | Gus | Nacho | Teddy-bear |
Big Boy | Guss | Nachos | Theodore |
Billy | Guy | Napoleon | Timmy |
Billy Bob | Hank | Naruto | Timothy |
Bo | Hannibal | Nero | Tito |
Bob | Hans | Nick | Titus |
Bobby | Hardy | Nickers | Tobie |
Bobo | Harrison | Nicky | Toby |
Bongo | Harry | Nico | Tom |
Boris | Harry Water | Niko | Tommy |
Bosco | Harvey | Noel | Tommy-boy |
Bosley | Hector | Norton | Toni |
Boy | Hellboy | Oakley | Tony |
Bozley | Henley | Olaf | Toto |
Bradley | Henry | Oliver | Travis |
Brady | Homer | Ollie | Tristan |
Brando | Huey | Oscar | Troy |
Brendon | Hugh | Otis | Tuck |
Brodie | Hugo | Otto | Tucker |
Bruce | Humphrey | Owen | Tuco |
Bruno | Hunter | Ox | Tupac |
Brutus | Ismael | Pablo | Valinto |
Bubba | Ivor | Pac-Man | Vinnie |
Buck | Jack | Paco | Vinny |
Bucko | Jackson | Paddington | Vito |
Bud | Jake | Paddy | Wagner |
Buddy | James Pond | Papa | Waldo |
Buddy Boy | Jamie | Parker | Wallace |
Buster | Jason | Patricky | Wally |
Buster-brown | Jasper | Patrik | Walter |
Butch | Jaxson | Pedro | Wayne |
Butchy | Jayden | Pepe | Wesley |
Caesar | Jerry | Pepito | Willie |
Calvin | Jesse James | Pete | Willy |
Carlos | Jessie | Pete the Dragon | Wilson |
Chad | Jester | Peter | Winnie |
Charles | Jimmy | Petey | Winston |
Charlie | Joe | Pierre | Wolfgang |
Charlie Brown | Joey | Pinto | Woody |
Chaz | Johnny | Piper | Wyatt |
Chester | JR | Plato | Xavier |
Chico | Jules | Pluto | Zack |
Chiko | Julius | Pongo | Zeak |
Chuckie | Kane | Porter | |
Chucky | Karl | Prince | |
Clifford | Kayne | Pugsley | |
Clyde | Keith | Quincy | |
Codi | Killian | Quinn | |
Cody | Klaus | Ralph | |
Connor | Kramer | Ralphie | |
Cooper | Lanvin | Ralphy | |
Darby | Lazarus | Razzo | |
Darcy | Lemar | Reggie | |
Darwin | Lennon | Reginald |
Female Axolotl Names
Here’s our list of popular names for girl axolotls.
Abbey | Darla | Kallie | Rosegold |
Abbie | Dee | Kasey | Rosie |
Abby | Dee Dee | Katie | Rosita |
Abigail | Diva | Kayla | Rossie |
Addie | Dixie | Keesha | Rosy |
Aggie | Doris | Keisha | Roxanne |
Aimee | Dottie | Kellie | Roxie |
Aleena | Eliana | Kelly | Roxy |
Alexa | Elisa | Kerry | Rusalka |
Alice | Elisabeth | Kira | Rylie |
Alice Cooper | Elizabeth | Kyra | Sabine |
Amber | Ellie | Lacey | Sabrina |
Amie | Elphy | Laddie | Sade |
Amy | Elsa | Lauryn | Sadie |
Anna | Ember | Layla | Sally |
Annie | Emerald | Leanna | Samantha |
Anya | Emily | Leanne | Sammy |
Aphrodite | Emma | Lena | Sandra |
April | Emmy | Lilly | Sandy |
Athena | Erin | Lilo | Sara |
Axl Rose | Erna | Lola | Sarah |
Bb | Ernie | Lottie | Sassie |
Beauty | Eva | Lucie | Savannah |
Bebe | Felicity | Lucy | Scarlet |
Becky | Fergie | Luna | Scarlett |
Bella | Fiona | Maisey | Scottie |
Bellatrix | Flora | Mandi | Scout |
Belle | Florence | Mandy | Shelly |
Bernie | Freya | Maple | Shirley |
Bessie | Frieda | Mariah | Sienna |
Bijou | Gabby | Mary | Simone |
Billie | Gabriella | Mary Jane | Sissy |
Blanche | Georgia | Marylin | Skeeter |
Bonita | Gilda | Matilda | Skye |
Bonnie | Girl | Mattie | Skylar |
Brandi | Grace | Maxine | Skyler |
Brandy | Gracie | May | Smog |
Breanna | Greta | Megan | Smoke |
Bridgett | Gretchen | Meggie | Sonriente |
Bridgette | Gretel | Mia | Sophia |
Brit | Hailey | Millie | Sophie |
Brittany | Haley | Milly | Stella |
Brook | Hallie | Mindy | Susie |
Brooke | Harley | Mirinda | Suzy |
Camille | Harper | Misha | Sydney |
Cassie | Heather | Molly | T-bird |
Catrin | Heidi | Mona | Tabetha |
Chanel | Holly | Monique | Taffy |
Chase | Irene | Morgan | Tammy |
Chelsea | Iris | Nakita | Tara |
Cherokee | Isabella | Nana | Tasha |
Chessie | Isabelle | Nancy | Tess |
Cheyenne | Izzie | Natasha | Tessa |
Chiquita | Izzy | Nellie | Tessie |
Chloe | Jackie | Nessie | Thelma |
Chrissy | Jade | Nickie | Tiana |
Chyna | Janie | Nicolle | Tiffany |
Cindy | Jasmine | Nikita | Tilly |
Claire | Jazmie | Nikki | Tina |
Cleo | Jeanne | Nina | Tori |
Coco | Jenna | Nomie | Ty |
Connie | Jenny | Nona | Tyler |
Consuela | Jess | Olive | Ursula |
Corona | Jesse | Olivia | Vera |
Crystal | Jolie | Oriana | Zania |
Cyrus | Jordan | Rosa | Zaynah |
Daisey-mae | Josie | Rosalind | Zena |
Daisy | Joy | Roscoe | Zoe |
Dakota | Judy | Rose | Zoey |
Daphne | Kali | Rosebud | Zoie |
Gender Neutral Axolotl Names
Here’s our list of popular gender-neutral names for axolotls:
Ajax | Dobie | Mack | Rock |
Ally | Dogga | Madison | Rollie |
Alpha | Doggon | Magic | Rooster |
Angel | Domino | Major | Sailor |
Araxie | Doogie | Malta | Salem |
Arrow | Dot | Mania | Salty |
Ashes | Dotdot | Marble | Saxo |
Astro | Dove | Marigold | Scooter |
Atlas | Driscol | Marley | Seadragon |
Audi | Droplets | Marly | Shadow |
Aussie | Duffy | Mars | Shard |
Axie | Dunn | Maxwell | Shasta |
Axiegel | Echo | Mckenzie | Sheba |
Aximus | Eifel | Meadow | Sheena |
Axo-little | Elf | Mercedes | Shifter |
Babbles | Elias | Mercle | Shiner |
Babe | Elis | Mew | Shmoo |
Baby | Falcor | Miasy | Shoosh |
Barley | Falkor | Micah | Sidewalk |
Basil | Ferris | Midnight | Sierra |
Bazoo | Fido | Minnow | Simco |
Beamer | Fifi | Misty | Skip |
Beanie | Fink | Mittens | Skipper |
Beetle | Finny | Mitzi | Skullkrusha |
Bentley | Firebird | Mitzy | Sky |
Bibbles | Firy | Montana | Slash |
Biggie | Fizz | Moocher | Snowflake |
Binky | Flair | Moochie | Soapy |
Birdie | Flake | Mookie | Sox |
Birdy | Flakey | Moon | Sparky |
Biscuit | Flax | Moonshine | Sparrow |
Bizzy | Flint | Moose | Sphynx |
Black Magic | Flippy | Mulligan | Spider |
Black-Jack | Flo | Muppy | Spike |
Blast | Flossie | Myca | Spirit |
Blaze | Flower | Nala | Spookey |
Blizzard | Floyd | Neekap | Spotl |
Blossom | Fluff | Nestle | Spyro |
Blue | Flulaborg | Newt | Sriracha |
Boo | Folly | Newton | Star |
Boo-boo | Foxy | Nightcrawler | Stardust |
Boone | Fozzie | Niki | Starr |
Booster | Freedom | Nirvana | Sterling |
Braggs | Freeway | Nitro | Stich |
Brax | Fresier | Nobel | Stone |
Brie | Fury | Nova | Stormy |
Brindle | Gazoo | Obie | Straw |
Buckeye | Geist | Ocher | Stuffer |
Bucky | Genie | Odie | Sundance |
Budda | Ghost | Oga | Sunflower |
Buddie | Gidget | Oli | Sunshine |
Bullwinkle | Gigi | Onie | Tally |
Bunky | Ginny | Onyx | Tangles |
Burrito | Gizmo | Opie | Tango |
Butter | Goober | Orca | Tantra |
Butterball | Goose | Oz | Taz |
Buttercup | Goosie | Ozzie | Tetra |
Butters | Grady | Ozzy | Tex |
Buzzy | Griffen | Pacifier | Thunder |
Cagney | Grover | Painter | Thyme |
Cale | Guido | Pancy | Tiger |
Cali | Guinness | Panda | Tiggy |
Caliban | Gypsy | Pandora | Tiki |
Calico | Harpo | Pangifrane | Timber |
Callie | Harun | Paranormal | Tinker |
Cameo | Haven | Paris | Tinky |
Canary | Havin | Pasha | Tippy |
Captain | Henge | Patsy | Tixie |
Cassian | Holy Sock | Patty | Toadstool |
Castiel | Hope | Payton | Toots |
Cem | India | Pebbles | Tootsie |
Cerys | Indy | Pelican | Topaz |
Cha Cha | Jaguar | Penny | Tracker |
Chandni | Jaym | Percy | Trapper |
Chauncey | Jaz | Perky | Trigger |
Checkers | Jazz | Persephone | Trinity |
Chi Chi | Jersey | Persy | Tripod |
Chile | Jethro | Phantom | Trixie |
Chili | Jett | Pixie | Tuffy |
China | Jetta | Plant | Turner |
Chip | Jingles | Pob | Tux |
Chipper | Jinxy | Pockets | Twiggy |
Chippy | JJ | Pogo | Twinkle |
Chips | Joji | Pokey | Twix |
Chivas | Jojo | Polly | Vava |
Ciao | Juno | Ponyo | Vegas |
Cinder | Karma | Pooch | Versace |
Citrine | Katz | Poochie | Waddles |
Clancy | KC | Pooh | Wags |
Clay | Kealan | Pookie | Weaver |
Clover | Kelp | Pooky | Webster |
Coal | Kelsey | Popper | Welsh |
Cobweb | Kenya | Poppy | Westie |
Comet | Kismet | Porch | Whiskers |
Concrete | Kissy | Powder | Whisper |
Cornfield | Kitty | Precious | Whispy |
Cosmo | Klimt | Presley | Willow |
Cozmo | Kosmo | Prissy | Wisper |
Cracker | Koty | Proteus | Wiz |
Crater | Kreacher | Proton | Wolfie |
Cricket | Laney | Puck | Woofie |
Cubby | Lassie | Puddles | Wooper |
Cubs | Lexel | Pudge | Woozle |
Cujo | Lexus | Puff | Wren |
Dallas | Libby | Puzzle | Wrigley |
Dance | Lightning | Quirks | Yeats |
Dancer | Linus | Rags | Yolk |
Dempsey | Little Bit | Rainbow | Yorme |
Destini | Little-one | Raison | Yukon |
Dewey | Locks | Reese | Zala |
Dharma | Lotola | Reilly | Zealot |
Diamond | Lumen | Rexy | Zen |
Dillon | Lupe | Rhett | Zigg |
Dinky | Lupo | Rhodri | Ziggy |
Ditto | Mac | Riggs | Zorkki |
Dobby | Macintosh | Riley |
If the gender-based method of choosing a name isn’t for you, then you may want to check out the other approaches below.
Cute Axolotl Names
Axolotls are amongst the cutest creatures on earth!
For that reason, you may want to choose a cute name for your axolotl friend!
Babbles | Creampuff | Latte | Popcorn |
Baby-doll | Cupcake | Lays | Pretty |
Babykins | Cutie | Lotus | Pretzel |
Bambi | Cutie-pie | Mermaid | Pringles |
Banana | Dolly | Milkshake | Pumpkin |
Beanie | Dory | Mimi | Punkin |
Berry | Duchess | Miss Kitty | Puppy |
Biscuit | Faith | Miss Priss | Sheepnut |
Brownie | Fancy | Missie | Skittles |
Butterscotch | Frangipane | Missy | Smidge |
Button | Gouda | Mouse | Snowball |
Buttons | Hershey | Muffin | Snuggles |
Candy | Honey-Bear | Muffy | Strawberry |
Cashew | Honeydew | Munchkin | Sugar |
Cassis | Itsy | Nibby | Sugar-baby |
Cheddar | Itsy-bitsy | Noodle | Sweetie |
Cheeto | Jello | Noodles | Sweetie-pie |
Cherry | Jelly | Nugget | Truffles |
Chocolate | Jelly-bean | Nutmeg | Tuna |
Cinnamon | Jewel | Oreo | |
Cocoa | Jewels | Pepper | |
Coconut | Kibbles | Peppy | |
Cookie | Kirby | Pineapple | |
Cotton | Kiwi | Pippin | |
Crackers | Ladybug | Pippy |
Good Axolotl Names
If you ask us, all the names on this page are good names. After all, names are subjective and what may be good for you is perhaps bad for me.
Funny Axolotl Names
Axolotls often behave in strange and odd ways. This makes many pet axolotl owners laugh and giggle.
If your axolotl is a bit of a comedian, you might want to check out the funny axolotl names below.
Bam-bam | Dusty | Lucky | Sneakers |
Banana | Fish Face | Magoose | Snickers |
Banana Split | Fleabag | Matey | Snuffles |
Bandit | Flipper | Mcduff | Spanky |
Banjo | Flopsy | Monkey | Speedo |
Bazoo | Fritter | Monster | Spud |
Beans | Furball | Mugsy | Squidward |
Bingo | Garbo | Nibby-nose | T-bone |
Bits | Gulb girl | Old Glory | Taco |
Bitsy | Hooch | Onion | Teabag |
Boomer | Hoover | Peanut | Tequila |
Bug | Jackpot | Peanuts | Tramp |
Bugsey | Jaxalotl | Pepsi | |
Bugsy | Jeepers | Pickles | |
Cheeseball | Kid | Pip-squeek | |
Corny | Kiki | Poncho | |
Covid | Kipper | Porkchop | |
Doc | Lancelotl | Sally Mander | |
Doodle | Little Foot | Sheep Head | |
Doodles | Little-rascal | Slinky |
Cool Axolotl Names
Axolotls are known to be easy-going, calm, and endearing companions.
Some might say this makes them the coolest pets in town. Here’s a list of the coolest axolotl names.
Ace | Commando | Hammer | Sharky |
Admiral | Dandy | Heena | Sputnik |
Araxie | Dante | Hudson | Spy |
Bear | Deacon | Jagger | Tank |
Bishop | Diesel | Jags | Tesla |
Booker | Dino | King | Trooper |
Booster | Dozer | Lady | Turbo |
Boss | Dragster | Lance | Tyson |
Calypso | Dude | Leviathan | Volvo |
Castle | Earl | Mandrake | Wizard |
Cat Jack | Falcon | Mason | Wizzard |
Chainblade | Figaro | Nike | |
Champ | Frisco | Panther | |
Chance | Gator | Pirate | |
Chaos | Godiva | Prada | |
Chevy | Grizzly | Python | |
Chief | Gunner | Ranger | |
Cisco | Hacker | Rolex |
Best Axolotl Names
Just as explained above about good axolotl names, we believe that names are subjective. So our list of best axolotl names may not be the same as your list. As a matter of fact, it’s highly unlikely.
With that in mind, we suggest you browse through the lists on this page and come up with your very own list of what you consider to be the best axolotl names. Once you’ve shortlisted a few, it should be easier for you to decide on the final one.
Color & Morph-Based Names
Axolotls are famous for the large array of beautiful colors – or morphs – they are available in.
With that in mind, you may prefer to give your axolotl a name inspired by the color of its skin.
Copper | Greenie | Pearl | Sunny |
Coral | Hazel | Pinkerbell | Tabby |
Crimson | Honey | Pinkie | Vanilla |
Curry | Honey Gold | Pinky | Violet |
Dots | Ivory | Red | Whiskey |
Ebony | Ivy | Scotch | Whitie |
Flame | Lemon | Shady | Yellow |
Flamingo | Lime | Silver | Yellowbelly |
Fuschia | Mocha | Smokey | |
Ginger | Peach | Snowy | |
Goldie | Peaches | Speckles |
Pink Axolotl Names
- Pink
- Pinky
- Pinkie
- Pinky & The Brain (2 names that go well together, if you get a new pair of axolotls)
- Bubblegum
- Flamingo
- Pink Panther
Leucistic Axolotl Names
- Lucy (by far one of the most popular axolotl names)
- Luce
- Lucid
Country Based Names
Axolotls are about as exotic as an exotic pet can be! If you’d like to give your pet axolotl an exotic touch, you might want to consider a name with a foreign ring to it!
Japanese Axolotl Names
Haku | Koko | Mushu | Yaka |
Itachi | Kona | Pikachu | Yakuza |
Kabuto | Kujo | Pokemon | Yang |
Kato | Loki | Ramen | Yin |
Koba | Ming | Sakura | Yuki |
Kobe | Mochi | Sumo | |
Koda | Mojo | Sushi |
Mexican Axolotl Names
Mexican Female Axolotl Names
Popular Mexican names for females, which can also be used for female axolotls.
Aitana | Fernanda | Melissa | Sofía |
Andrea | Guadalupe | Mía | Valentina |
Camila | Isabella | Natalia | Valeria |
Daniela | Ivana | Regina | Victoria |
Elisa | Julieta | Renata | Ximena |
Elizabeth | Lucía | Romina | Yamileth |
Emilia | Luciana | Samantha | |
Fátima | Mariana | Sara |
Mexican Female Axolotl Names
Popular Mexican names for males, which can also be used for male axolotls.
Alejandro | Eduardo | Isaac | Rafael |
Alexander | Elías | Jesús | Rodrigo |
Áxel | Emiliano | Leonardo | Samuel |
Damián | Emilio | Leonel | Santiago |
Daniel | Emmanuel | Mateo | Sebastián |
Dante | Fernando | Matías | Tadeo |
David | Gabriel | Mauricio | |
Diego | Gael | Maximiliano |
Tips For Choosing a Name for Your Axolotl
Choosing a name for a pet can be a very daunting task. It’s really no different when it comes to axolotls.
In most cases, you only get one chance at it. Once you give your pet a name, it’s likely they’ll keep that name for life.
Of course, you could decide to rename your pet axolotl at some point in the future – that’s completely up to you. But, in our opinion, it’s easier to get it the right first time around.
To help you choose the perfect name, we’ve put together a few tips.
Ideas for Choosing a Name
Does your pet axolotl have a stand-out feature?
Is it particularly big, or small? Is it fatter or thinner or shorter or longer than most other axolotls? Or perhaps its gills are remarkably feathery, or its eyes unusually round and big?
If the answer to any of the above questions is YES, then you might want to name your pet axolotl after this stand-out feature.
Here are a few examples to give you some ideas.
Arrow | Fuzzy | Shaggy | Spot |
Bogey | Giant | Shiney | Spotty |
Bones | Gill | Shorty | Sprinkles |
Bootie | Giller | Silky | Squeeky |
Boots | Gilly | Skinny | Squidgy |
Boozer | Grin | Slender | Squishy |
Charisma | Jumbo | Slick | Stink |
Chic | Kurly | Slimey | Stumpy |
Chubbs | Longzy | Slimy | Tiny |
Chunky | Patch | Slippy | Toothless |
Curly | Patches | Sly | Velvet |
Dwarfy | Piglet | Smarty | Wart |
Flash | Porky | Smiles | Wrinkles |
Fluffy | Puffy | Smiley | |
Freckle | Rocket | Smudge | |
Freckles | Scruffy | Sparkle |
As highlighted above, it’s pretty commonplace for people to give their children or their pets a gender-based name.
In today’s day and age, gender-neutral names are also increasingly popular. This is especially relevant when it comes to axolotls because it can be difficult to sex an axolotl when it’s a juvenile – it can take anywhere from 6 to 18 months for an axolotl to reach adulthood, the point at which it becomes easier to identify if your axolotl is a male or a female.
Does your axolotl like to zoom around its tank at frantic speeds? Or perhaps it likes to laze around all day? Some axolotls eat a lot, others very little. Some burp or blow bubbles a lot.
In certain cases, an axolotl’s behavior can help you choose a very fitting name.
Barker | Digger | Nibbles | Thumper |
Bitey | Diggerette | Nosey | Tipper |
Breezy | Dizzy | Piggy | Trouble |
Bruiser | Dodger | Rambler | Whistler |
Bubbles | Dreamer | Rascal | Whiz |
Bullet | Flight | Rebel | Wiggle |
Bully | Frisky | Sassy | Wiggles |
Bumper | Happy | Scrappy | Winky |
Charmer | Icy | Scratcher | Yeller |
Chewie | Jet | Speed | Zippy |
Chewy | Jolly | Speedy | |
Chomp | Leapy | Sprint | |
Clicker | Lefty | Squirt | |
Crawler | Mischief | Stoned | |
Dash | Nibbler | Swimmer |
Favorite Characters
Are you a big Pokémon fan? Or perhaps you spend several hours a day playing your favorite video game such as Mario or Minecraft?
In my case, I’m a big comics fan. I love reading the Marvel and DC comics and watching all the latest superhero movies. So, when the time came to name one of our axolotls, I chose the name Aquaman. It was also quite fitting that it turned out to be a male and that he was pretty big and strong.
If you’re finding it hard to find the best name for your new axolotl, consider giving it the name of your favorite superhero, sportsperson, movie actor, or video game character for example.
Here are just a few ideas to get those creative juices flowing.
Aquaman | Eifel | Obama | Tigger |
Bambi | Einstein | Picasso | Tinker-bell |
Barbie | Frodo | Pink Panther | Wolverine |
Batman | Frosty | Pooh-bear | Yoda |
Big Foot | Goldilocks | Prancer | Yogi |
Capone | Gretta | Rambo | Yogi-bear |
Casper | Gucci | Raven | Yoshi |
Coco Chanel | Hamlet | Rin Tin Tin | Zelda |
Corky | Houdini | Scoobie | Zorro |
Cpt Jack | John Snow | Scooby | |
Daenerys | Joker | Scooby-doo | |
Daffy | Merlin | Snoop | |
Dickens | Mini | Stitch | |
Disney | Minnie | Sweet-pea | |
Dwight | Nemo | Thor |
Birthday, Birth Month or Birth Season
If you know what day of the week your axolotl was born, you could choose to name it after that weekday.
Another idea would be to name it after the day of the week or month of the year you got it in. For example, if you bought your axolotl in April, you could simply name it April.
For the younger ones of you reading who may not yet be fully up-to-date (no pun intended!_) on your weekdays, here they are below;
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
Here’s for birth months:
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May June
- July
- August
- September
- October November
- December
And even birth season:
- Winter
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
Star Sign Names (Sign of the Zodiac)
Leo has a nice feline feel to it. And what about Scorpio – that sounds pretty mysterious, perhaps a little dangerous.
The names above are both star signs – or astrological signs.
If you know what date your axolotl was born, you might choose to give it a name based on what star sign it is. Who knows, it might just help you tell your axolotl’s fortune ;)
- Aries (March 21 – April 19)
- Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
- Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
- Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
- Leo (July 23 – August 22)
- Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
- Libra (September 23 – October 22)
- Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
- Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
- Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
- Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
- Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Mythological Characters & Gods
Apollo | Hercules | Medusa | Titan |
Aristotle | Hydra | Mercury | Xena |
Cleopatra | Hypnos | Neptune | Zeus |
Helios | Jupiter | Osiris | |
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Best Practises When Choosing a Name
Below we’ve listed a few best practices which you can choose to follow – or not- when naming your axolotl.
Family Event
Why not get everybody involved and make it a family event?
After all, your axolotl is going to live in your household and share the lives of all the people who live there.
In our home, this is what we do when we name a new pet – unless, of course, the choice of name is instantaneously obvious to all of us:
- We get together and brainstorm to create a large list of names (that’s how we created this one).
- We each curate our own individual list of our Top 10 favorite names.
- We combine our individual lists into one large family list.
- We then each select our 3 favorite names – leaving us with 12 names in total (there are 4 of us).
- We then give each name a score from 1-12 (from least to most favorite).
- The winning name is the name with the most points (if there’s a draw we vote again).
Avoid Similar Names
It’s worth trying to avoid a name that sounds very similar to a name that somebody else already has in your household.
For example, if your name is Tara then naming your axolotl Sara might be confusing as having two individuals sharing similar names under the same roof can lead to a lot of misunderstandings…
Consider Nicknames
When choosing a name, it’s also worth thinking a step or two ahead…in particular when it comes to nicknames.
Indeed, it’s human nature to want to try and make lives easier for ourselves and take short cuts. This applies to names in particular.
Names such as Patrick becomes Pat; Sally becomes Sal, William becomes Bill, Robert becomes Bob etc. In this case, the shortened versions of the name are quite fine. However, this isn’t always the case…
Ideally, you want to make sure that you don’t give your beloved axolotl a name that will sound silly or vulgar when shortened.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Scientific Name for Axolotls?
The scientific name for axolotls is Ambystoma mexicanum.
What is the Origin of the Word Axolotl?
Axolotl is of Mexican origin. It comes from the Nahuatl language and literally means “servant of water” constructed from the words “atl” which means “water” and “xolotl which means slippery or wrinkled one, servant, slave.
What is the Most Popular Axolotl Name?
Lucy seems to be the most popular axolotl name – by far. Indeed, leucistic axolotls are very common and the name Lucy is an easy and obvious choice of name for this type of axolotl.
We hope that you enjoyed this article dedicated to axolotl names. We certainly had fun putting it together! Feel free to let us know which name you chose for your axolotl friend. And if you feel like it, please share this post with your friends and family.
Thank you!